Author Archives: admin
Dollar Cost Averaging In Practice
In my last post, I wrote about what Dollar-Cost Averaging is about and gave some example of how it works. Today, I’m going to talk about how I personally use Dollar-Cost Averaging in my “real life” and why I think … Continue reading
What is Dollar Cost Averaging?
Dollar Cost Averaging is an investment strategy where you are investing static amounts of chunks of money spread out over time (instead of a lump sum purchase) in a given investment. You might be wondering “what is the advantage of … Continue reading
Is Beating the Median Income Levels Keeping You Poorer Than You Should Be?
As a stats junkie, I like to know what the income level statistics are, and in particular the household incomes ($50,500)! I like to know how far I am above that amount, and percentage that we (as a household) bring … Continue reading
What is the Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio?
What is the Price/Earnings (or P/E) ratio? The Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio: is a ratio used to determining how much a potential stock buyer is willing to pay for for 1 share of common stock in a company. The … Continue reading
What is Personal Finance?
Before I answer “What is Personal Finance“, let me begin with what “Finance” is defined as at a high, easy to understand level! Finance is the art and science of managing money. Usually “Finance” is associated with analysis of the … Continue reading